Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My mom and I are going to meet with Jordan Payne today at the La Cima Club! Jordan is the AMAZING wedding planner helping us with the wedding. To me she is the epitome of a Texas girl - big blonde hair, big beautiful smile, big southern accent and BIG infectious laugh. She does wonderful things and I am so excited to get to work with her! LOVE!

I'm still trying to figure out this bloggggg thing. Does anyone know how to include larger pictures? The "large" size that blogspot gives you is just not large enough for me! I'm in TEXAS - everything is supposed to be BIGGER!

Because this IS a photography blog, I'm including a couple of pictures of my FAVE Texas couple, Sarah and Brandon! They are newlyweds and also have the cutest little boy ever, Mason. Sarah and Brandon are one of the happiest couples I know and I just love spending time with them! I did some engagement pictures for them in Austin and it was a really fun trip.

Still working on the awkwardness! Bear with me!



  1. make your pictures the pixel size you want, that will fit in the post section and then upload it to somewhere like photobucket or flickr and then use the html code to put them in your posts. Got it? :)

  2. Hamzamejri est un photographe de mode professionnel spécialisé dans les domaines de la photographe de mode, du sport et du fitness, etc. Lorsqu'un événement est bien organisé, une image capturée par un photographe de mode s'améliore automatiquement.
    photographe portrait paris
